Pengaruh Agen-Agen Sosialisasi terhadap Siswa SLTP Berprestasi di Bandung

Lisnur Wachidah


The goals of this research are analysis the influence of the socialization agents  (family, friend, mass media and school)  to  the achievement  students at Junior High School at sub-district of Andir, the muniplicity of Bandung. The research was conducted by the explanatory survey, total of the respondents  are  320 students from the goverments and the private Junior High School. The analysis of the data has shown that there was another factor  infuenced  the dependent  variable  outside  the independent variable. Before analysis the data with the path method analyzed, the ordinal data should be risen up to the scale interval data by method of successive intervals. The result of the experiment shows significant, it means that the agent of socialization (family, friend, mass media and school) give the important influenced to the achievement student.


Path Analysis; Socialization Agents


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