Financial Literacy Model at Micro Small Medium Entreprise (MSMEs)

Sri Widiyati, Edi Wijayanto, Prihartiningsih Prihartiningsih


Financial literacy level of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) is only 15.68% and majority of the actors are unbanked. The level of MSMEs actors’ financial literacy is important in business sustainability. This study aims to measure level of MSMEs financial literacy and determine its correlation with demographic and economic variables as well as designing models to increase the literacy.Results show that 51 (25.5%) actors of  MSMEs  have low literacy level, 105 (52.5%) have moderate level, and the rest of 44 (22%) have high literacy level. Contingency Coefficient of <0.6 indicates that demographic and socioeconomic correlation is less strong in level of literacy. 



MSMEs, Financial Literacy, Demographic and Economic Variables

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