Hubungan Persepsi mengenai Peran Kelompok Teman Sebaya dengan “Misdemeanors” di SMKN 8

Sulisworo Kusdiyati, Lilim Halimah, Rizki Rianawati


Some of the Second-grade students in SMKN 8 Bandung have many violations of school rules. The violations indicate that they are unable to comply with school rules.This is referred to misdemeanors in school. The difference of  behavior is related to how the students perceive the role of peer groups. The purpose of this study was to determine how closely the relationship between perceptions of the role of peer groups with misdemeanors in school in grade 2 students at SMKN 8 Bandung. This study used correlational methods. The samples were performed by using purposive sampling technique with total sample size of 69 students in grade 2. Data collection for perception of the role of peer groups is done by using a Likert scale questionnaire based on the theory of David R. Shaffer (1994) reaching to 86 items, and for  the data of misdemeanors in school is done by using a Likert scale questionnaire based on the theory of Elizabeth B. Hurlock (1973) reaching to 94 items. With the significance levelof á = 0.05, it was shown that there was a significant positive relationship between perceptions of the role of peer groups with misdemeanors in school with rs = 0.757 showing a high correlation. It means that the more appropriate the perception of the role of peer groups the higher misdemeanors committed at school for 2nd grade students at SMKN 8 Bandung.


Kelompok Teman Sebaya; Misdemeanors; Sosial


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