Pengaruh Iklim dan Kepuasan Komunikasi serta Komitmen terhadap Kinerja Pegawai

Komir Bastaman


A good governance will possibly be realized if there is a close relationship between  who governs and who is governed  The communication climate, communication satisfaction, and organizational commitment are the significant factors influencing on the work performance of the employee in The Local Secretary of Subang District. Therefore, the study is aimed to find out:  (1) the influence of communication climate (2) the influence of communication satisfaction (3) the influence of organizational commitment and (4) the influence of communication climate, communication satisfaction, and organizational commitment simultaneously toward the work performance of the worker in the Local Secretary of Subang District. The method used is the explanatory survey. With the Path Analysis, it can be obtained that the communication climate has the positive influence on the work performance. The communication satisfaction has a direct influence on  the performance, whereas the commitment to the organization has low influence oh the work performance.


Communication Climate and Satisfaction; Work Commitment; Work Performance; Sosial


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