Dari “Ekstrem Kanan” ke Terorisme

Bambang Saiful Ma'arif


A religious understanding is one of the characteristics  of muslim society. In one side, the depth of religious consciousness  causes the rightness for the follower , but from another side,  it potencially  brings into the conflict. In Indonesia  due to multi-religious perspectives, we know that ‘ekstrim kanan’ is adresssed to those who embrace religion by high intensity without taking  any tolerance to anothers’ oppinion and governance ideology. The aim of this article is to understand  about the  realm of religious ‘ekstrim kanan’(fundamentalism) as social fact, its characteristic  and historical dynamic, and its afinity to the terorism. The approach of this article is interpretive, by studying on the literatures. From the research results, it can be concluded that the muslims’ understanding will vary and fluctuative. Ulama’s interpretation on the Qur’anic scripts (verses)  and his interaction to the governance as prominent factor  will be the triger to ‘ekstrim kanan’. Yet, not all of the realm of ‘ektrim kanan’ will be triger to the terorism. Terorism is merely as an ideological antagonism when there are present prerequisite  factors, ie: a) abuse of power, b) exclussive  social link, c) religious ideology as legitamate factor to attact another man and governance  , and d) the dominance of outsider  power in muslim cummunity, aspecially to grassroot, until it marginalized them.  


Ekstrim Kanan; Terorisme; Sosial


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v26i2.303


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