Supportive Communication In Developing Housewife’s Entrepreneurial Of Home-Based Industry

Ike Junita Triwardhani, Wulan Tri Gartanti


The role of women in the family is very important. In addition of taking care their household, women are also able to perform variety of other jobs, such as supporting the household economy by opening a home-based business. The effort to increase a home-based business’ success can be supported by the ability to build relationships with others. Supportive communication is a communication style at interpersonal communication level when someone wants to build a relationship. This study is based on framework of ethnography of communication and housewife’s entrepreneurial. Research method used is qualitative method with ethnographic communication approach. The subject of this research is housewife entrepreneurs of home-based industry. As home-based industry entrepreneurs, they always try to build relationships with employees, consumers, or suppliers as partners.  Building and maintaining relationships to develop the business require good communication skills. Supportiveness becomes a key requirement of communication to develop the relationship. The supports are given by delivering a good motivation for self and business partner, developing creativity according to the typical of each relationship, and also improving communication skills in marketing the products.


Supportive communication, housewives, entrepreneurship

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