Analysis of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Village Financial Information System: a Study in a Village in Semarang Regency

Nikmatuniayah Nikmatuniayah, CH Budhi Adhiani, Lilis Mardiana Anugrahwati


The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors Influencing the effectiveness of village financial information system. This study was based on a model proposed by Gupta et al (2007). The Primary data usedwas based on the questionnaire distributed to the village government organization in Semarang regency. There were100 copies of questionnaire sent, and returned 100% because it was delivered directly by the researchers. The data were analyzed using multiple regression with SPSS 16 software. The result showed that top management, information system management and user of information systems did not statistically influence the effectiveness of village financial information system. Meanwhile, user satisfaction and organizational culture had positive influence on the effectiveness of village financial information system.


information system management, user satisfaction, organizational culture

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