Social Entrepreneur Model for Tourism Development in Kiluan Bay

Novita Tresiana, Noverman Duadji


This research recommends governance-based collaborative governance recommends models of governance-based collaborative governance through the role of community groups of local community entrepreneurs. This model is created from the weaknesses of the conventional Community Based Tourism (CBT) model through the role of 3 CBT sectors (government, private, non-profit organizations) that often run independently, sporadic, non-continuous coordination, and local community involvement which often overlooked in tourism of its own territory. The implications are seen in the economic success enjoyed only by people from outside the region. This article describes Pekon Teluk Kiluan, which is one of the leading coastal tourist areas in Lampung Province with coastal tourism base, education, and culture. The object of study is directed to the analysis of collaborative communities as a prerequisite for the reform of tourism governance and the reform of the development of a model of tourism management that is not only sided with local communities but also generates positive economics, financial independence, social preservation, culture and nature (environment). The research method is done qualitatively descriptive. Data collected from private tourism, NGO, government, entrepreneur, community group by using questionnaire technique, interview, observation, documentation, and  processed by using interactive model.


Social Entrepreneur, Local Community, Collaborative

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