State Policies And Their Impact On Village Governance In Colonial Era

Iyep Saefulrahman, Neneng Yani Yuningsih


Modern values applied by the Netherland through its policies have brought changes in the people’s lives of Neglasari Village in its governance back in the days. The changes were especially related to the implementation of modern bureaucracy system by forming a new power system in village government. This research aimed to analyze the implemented policies and their changes in village governance during the Dutch colonial era. Method used was qualitative research with a case study strategy. Data collection technique was focused on documentation and in-depth interview with several informants obtained through snowball technique. The research result indicates that state policies that govern the village were stated by forming a village and new modern value-based government structure. The policies did not change the previous village governance that based on local values. It was due to the leadership of the village elites that able to maintain local values in their village governance. In the end, village governance of Neglasari was based on two values, modern in its government structure but local in its governance.


policy, value, village governance.

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