Penangulangan Pelanggaran Hukum yang Dilakukan Geng Motor oleh Kepolisian di Wilayah Bandung

Nandang Sambas


At first, motorbike gang was considered as hobbyist-based-community created to express solidarity and creativity among its members. Recent growing number of violence cases  involving motorbike gang members in West Java, especially in Bandung, has posed us with enough evidences to cathegorize their activity as law violation acts which threatening public safety. From social crime perspective, any law violations were considered as delinquency acts. Considering that majority of gang members are teenagers, or children/underage, significant factor to be attended seriously is family as the first source of norms and socialization.Weakness ties among members of family, anomie, and mass media strong influence are threatening young members of family in this situation.   A collaboration between police institution and family and other social group representative such as religious leaders on every aspect was the key to overcome the problem of motorbike rascals.


Motorbike Gang; Delinquency Acts; Youth; Sosial


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