Construction Of Self-Identity And Social Identity Of "Koes Plus" Music Fans

Dadang Sugiana, Hanny Hafiar


This research discusses about the construction of self and social identity of music fans community, Study on Community of Koes Fans Club-Jiwa Nusantara, intended to understand self-identity, and social identity, that develops inside the music fans community. The objective of this research is to find how member of musical group fans construct self-identity and social identity in the community. The research method is a qualitative with phenomenology tradition. As for the subjects of this study are the member of Koes Music Fans Club- Jiwa Nusantara that are domiciled in several cities, including Medan, Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Karawang, Tangerang, Cimahi, Padalarang, Tegal, Banyumas, and Surabaya. The research results found that members of music fans community are constructing self-identity and social identity inseparable from the existence and activity of the community as well as the figure of their favorite musical group. Communication behavior that develops between individuals who are members of music fans community takes places in the context of togetherness as members of the community by developing typical symbols which only understood by fellow members of the community and leads to the preservation of musical group creations that became their idol.


Self-identity, Social identity, Construction, Community, Koes Plus

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