Social Conflict and Military Roles in Public Oil Mining in Bojonegoro

Nugroho Trisnu Brata


This article examines a work phenomenon in working system of public oil mining from the perspective of functionalism and conflict. This is a unique phenomenon because in Indonesia there are only four areas of public oil mining; in Bojonegoro, Blora, Musi Banyu Asin, and Langkat. The research employed ethnographic method. Data were collected through observation, participation observation, and in-depth interviews. Results and discussion indicate that there are mutually integrated elements in the work system of oil mining people. In the work activity sometimes internal conflict and external conflict occur. Internal conflict may occur due to different ideas or interests among those who work such as competition, wages, fraud, and injustice. External conflict can occur because of the oil mine ban, ban on making new wells, monopoly, destruction of refinery, interception, and arrest. Military/police were present in oil mining activity with an ambiguous role, which can be on Pertamina’s side at one time and on miners’ side at another.


function, conflict, public oil mining

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