Hubungan “Self Efficacy” dengan Perilaku Mencontek Mahasiswa Psikologi

Endang Pudjiastuti


Cheating behaviour is very common in class of 2009 from psychology faculty of University X. Based on initial study, students from class of 2009 are students who have the highest tendency to cheat. Observation and interview was done to them and the result was many students had low self-efficacy. The aim of this study was to determine correlation of self-efficacy with cheating behavior from class of 2009 of University X psychological students. 44 students were pick randomly from population (173 students). Self efficacy scale from Bandura was used to collect the data and cheating behaviour test was made based on Cizek Theorem. Rank Spearman techique was done to analyze the correlation. Result showed that the correlation between self efficacacy and cheating behaviour was significance (r=-0.78) which mean the higher self-efficacy from students would decrease cheating behavior.


Self Efficacy; Perilaku Mencontek; Mahasiswa Psikologi; Sosial


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