Penguatan ‘Civic Governance’ melalui Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Proses Penyelenggaraan Pemerintah

Rahman Mulyawan


This article essentially discusses the governance process which is based on the participation of citizens (the civic governance). The findings of this study show that the strengthening of civic governance has not been optimum yet due to lack of  consistency in the implementation of government policies, lack of government’s will to fully support the community as a partner to participate in the governance process, as well as the low level of public participation in the governance process. Based on these findings, the researcher recommend that character building through civic governance model should be optimally and consistently carried out by the government of Bandung Regency with the active participation of society (citizens).


Sipil; Pemerintah; Partisipasi Publik; Pembangunan


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