The Dynamics of Street Vendors’ Resistance in Bandung City

Rina Hermawati, Oekan S Abdoellah, Budhi Gunawan, Selly Riawanti, Nunung Runiawati, Caroline Paskarina


This research depicts the dynamics of street vendors’ resistance to the city government’s policy. The research applied qualitative approach with research strategy of case study. The research result showed that street vendors’ strategies in dealing with the city government were devised in various ways, both covert and open ones. Covert resistance tended to be put up when street vendors were already in a weak position. However, when street vendors were in a firm position, they tended to choose open resistance. The theme of resistance was adjusted to the situation and policies imposed by the government. When eviction was carried out, street vendors’ resistance was focused on the effort to ask for space for trading. When relocation was carried out, street vendors’ resistance was put up to obtain strategic locations and empowerment programs. When the zoning system was applied, street vendors attempted to intervene in the criterion of green, yellow, and red zones.


policy, resistance, street

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