Interaksi Sosial Pengguna Jasa Pembantu Rumah Tangga di Kota Makasar

Syamsidah Syamsidah


This article aims to catch a glimpse of  the lives of four employers and their housemaids in the past, the social interaction patterns between them, and of social  status which tends to give birth to associative and disassociative relationship between employer and housemaid.  This research  is qualitative employing phenomenological strategy. Data was gathered through observation, interviews, and documentation. Research subjects included four housemaids and their respective employers in the city of Makassar. Descriptive qualitative analysis was used  in conjunction with the componential analysis model. This research concluded  that  conditions  between  employers and their  housemaids in the  past were different than they are in the present, and this difference  has resulted in an unbalanced relationship and also forms the basis of the patron-client relationship.


Pembantu Rumah Tangga; Majikan; Interaksi Sosial; komunikasi; sosial


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