Pemetaan Kinerja Relatif Kepemimpian Kepala Daerah terhadap Sifat Kepemimpinan Rasulullah SAW

Rakhmat Ceha, Tamyiz Dery, Evi Noviawati


This article proposes a model of performance measurement (mapping) is based on the four leadership qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW, they are shiddig, talbligh, amanah and fathanah. The case study used is the implementation of the leadership of the three head region Municipality (kabupaten) of West Java province. Assessment process begins with identifying the variables or criteria along with unit size of each trait Prophet. Furthermore, the survey was conducted in the target study, the city of A, B, and C. For mapping, use the concept of calculation developed by a team of Technology Atlas Project-Unitet Nation and eventually can be calculated Leadership Index (IK) for each of the leadership in their respective regions. IK illustrates the relative levels of leadership according to the views of the community, whether it is in compliance with the nature of leadership that ha according to the views of the community s been exemplified by the Rasulullah.


Pemetaan; Kepemimpinan; Technology Atlas; Indeks Kepemimpinan; Sosial


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