Occupational Health and Safety and Practical Code of Safety at An Indonesian Agrochemical Company

Mahendra Fakhri, Mahir Pradana, Alini Gilang, Henrika Arda Ekaristi


The implementation of  human resources maintenance function is a function of management used to support and maintain reliable human resources. The maintenance of workers’ physical condition can be achieved by applying Occupational Health and Safety Program, and Labor Service and Insurance Social Program. The purpose of the study is to analyze dominant factors which affect the occupational health and safety of workers at PT. Indo Acidatama Tbk. based on the International Labor Organization’s practical code of safety in the use of chemicals at work. The type of study used is descriptive study with quantitative method. The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling with incidental sampling type. The data collection was done by distributing 50 questionnaires consisting 30 question items to employees of PT. Indo Acidatama Tbk. Based on the results of data processing through factor analysis, a factor of occupational health and safety factor is formed involving the following subfactors: general responsibilities of employers, rights of the workers and personal protections of the workers.


occupational health and safety, workplace safety, management practices, human resource management

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v34i2.3638


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