The Effectiveness of Group Counseling to Improve Students’ Social Skill in Telkom University Bandung

Mutia Qana'a, Endah Nawangsih


This study aims to see the effectiveness of group counseling in improving student social skills. Many students complain about social problems such as the difficulty to get along with and be accepted in the campus which is a new environment for them. These problems will impact on students' psychological conditions such as the decline of learning motivation, inferior feeling and even intention to resign. One of the campuses that were examined in this study was Telkom University Campus. Based on student unit data, the rate of student resign is increasing which it is a challenge for the institution. One of ways to handle student problems on psychosocial aspects such as unsociable and having no social skill is by establishing and consulting to group counseling. The group can be one of media in dealing with adolescent social problems because the task of adolescents’ development is to have peer groups. This research used Quasi Experimental method with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, and the research subject was Telkom University student. Based on the Wilcoxon Statistics test, it  showed that the Z value is -2.023 with a significance level of ᾳ = 0.05, which means the group counseling improved social skills of Telkom University students.


Effectiveness, Group Counseling, Social Skills.

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