“Religiousness Islami” dan “Self Regulation” Para Pengguna Narkoba

Agus Sofyandi Kahfi, Dewi Rosiana


This article aims to get empirical datas about corelation between religiousness Islami and self regulation in drug users who have relapse tendencies. Mooreover, this research aims to comprehend the influence of Islamic religiousness and its many dimensions to self-regulation, self-regulation and the influence of individuals who have tendency to drugs relapse. Subjects in this research are 30 people, that is resident in an intensive rehabilitation program. Instrument used was questionnaires of Islamic religiousness and self-regulation which compiled based on Zimmermann theory. It was concluded that the Islamic Religiousness which consists of religious believe, religious and religious practic has significant effect and very close relationship (.782) with self regulation.


Religiousness Islami; Self Regulation; Residen; Drug Relaps; Sosial


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v29i1.372


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