Kearifan Lokal dan Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Birokrasi

Irawati Tanjung


One thing that considered as a source of systemic and networking corruption in Indonesia is bureaucratic behavior with patrimonial relations approach. Source of bureaucratic pathology essentially can be identified from two locus: internal and external. This paper attempts to explain other possibility to eradicate corruption in bureaucracy by strengthening external environment role. Using qualitative research data in Nagari Kapau of West Sumatra, indicating that culture became one of important strategy to eradicating corruption in bureaucracy. Culture values support the emergence of social structure as a controller of Nagari bureaucratic work. Cultural values are followed by society awareness and participation of their role in overseeing leader and government to become power that be able to power-driven corruption.


Kearifan Lokal; Korupsi; Birokrasi; Masyarakat Lokal; Sosial


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