Konstruksi Realitas Impor Beras Oleh Kompas Online: Sebuah Analisis Wacana Kritis

Abdul Gaffar


This paper aims to analyze the news about the import of rice released by Compass online media (WWW.KOMPAS.COM) during the year 2012. By using the news released by Reuters online, this study seeks to look at the construction of social reality created by Compass online on imported rice. In addition, this study seeks to look at the relationship of knowledge in producing a news reporter with the social context of the imported rice and rice problem in society, farmers and rice traders. The results of the analysis of the news of the rice import, that the online Compass has been able to establish social construction of reality on imported rice. Journalists, through titles, headlines, news emphasized by certain words that are bias against those who reject the rice import policy, in this case farmers, rice traders and some other party and is able to describe the social reality behind the rice import policy.


Kompas; Imports; Rice; Social Construction; Farmers; Merchants; Social


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v29i2.389


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