Fungsi Kontrol Sosial Sekolah Islam Dalam Pencegahan Pergaulan Bebas Remaja

Mintarti Hidayat, Niken Paramarti Dasuki, Wiwik Novianti


This paper elaborates on the social control carried out by the Islamic school. The theme of the study ranged in how Islamic schools internalize Islamic values as a preventive measure prevents teenage promiscuity. The aim of the study was to know the Islamic values internalization process in Islamic school in order to operate its social control function. The study was conducted in four Islamic high schools in the city of Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java. The method used is a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collected through interviews, focused group discussions, observations, and questionnaires.
The analysis showed that one of the ways that religion exercising oversight is through the control of the body and human sexuality. However, the control does not always go well,especiallyin  the problem of internalization of religious norms and values. The important thing to note is the consistency in the enforcement of the rules, the example of the teacher, and the parents support the school made the rules, so that the function of social control can run well.


Social Control; Religion; Islamic School; Teenage Promiscuity; Social


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