Mengusung Masyarakat Madani Melalui Radio Komunitas

Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Nova Yuliati, Mochamad Rochim


This article is about the phenomenon of community radio in Pantura Area, West Java. Radio communities maganed by, for and about the community are rapidly developing among the farmers and fishermen, including in Pantura Area, West Java. The focus of the study is the formation of civil society by standing firmly on communicative actions of Jürgen Habermas. By using qualitative method with case study design, a finding would be produced that community radios implement participatory paradigm and manage community cohesion. We will discuss in details on: (1) initiators of the establishment of community radio, (2) forms of community participation, (3) the financing source of community radio, and (4) the construction of civil society through community radio. This article also covers about how the people see the world of life, that there is social transformation through emancipatordialogs, which then produce community’s selfconsciousness  as individuals and community members in demanding a domination-free communication process. This reality creates the origination of civil society.


Community Radio; Participatory Paradigm; Communicative Action; Civil Society; Social.


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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran.〈=in



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