The Groundswell Political Campaign Strategy of Anies-Sandi in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor Election

Novita Damayanti, Radja Erland Hamzah


The election of Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2017 has drawn the most public attention nationwide and even international. This research aims to analyze the political campaign strategy of Anis-Sandy in the election of Jakarta's governor and the process of the groundswell. Political campaign and groundswell are the framework concepts of this research. A qualitative research method used is single case study. The data collection is carried out through participant observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. This phenomenal event of election showed us the role and contribution of voters based on their social technographic profiles: creators, conversationalists, critics, collectors, joiners, and spectators. Viral” and “collaborative concepts” are widely implemented and become the goals of social media political campaign of Anies-Sandi. The groundswell process that effectively affects the behaviour of eligible voters and the success of the 212 social movements has led to the winning of Anies-Sandi won in the election.


Groundswell, Political Campaign, Governor election

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