Profil Negosiator Bisnis Wanita Pengusaha

Yusuf Hamdan, Anne Ratnasari, Aziz Taufik Hirzi


This study is concerning the profile of entrepreneurs women business negotiation skills in marketing products and services. The aim of this research is to determine the ability of  business negotiation in order to establish cooperation and competition, the use of verbal and nonverbal messages, as well as inhibiting factors in marketing products and services. The research applied qualitative methods with a single case study approach. Data collected by observation, literature study and through interviews. informants of this research were women who are member of Association of Indonesia Entrepreneurs Women ( IWAPI ) of West Java. The findings of research on the ability of business negotiations to establish cooperation through negotiation phase including exploration, offerings, bargaining, completion, and validation. They did not compete, but they cooperate with others, and  had personal characteristics as a strong negotiator, using a clear, concise, and positive meaningful verbal messages, whereas on  nonverbal cues they paid attention on facial expression, eye contact, hand gestures, and the use of appropriate clothing. Barriers which were obtained by entrepreneurs women were lack of knowledge of business negotiations, attitude and personality as a reliable negotiator needs to be developed.


Profile; Negotiation; Business; Marketing; Products; Services; Social


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