Development of Module in Increasing Tourism Awareness for Souvenir Merchants in Bukittinggi City

Wirdatul Aini, Hayatunnufus Hayatunnufus, Ismaniar Ismaniar


This research is motivated by the low awareness of souvenir merchants about tourism. It aims to produce a module development on tourism awareness for souvenir merchants which explore tourism awareness, tourism awareness improvement modules, content validity testing, convenience testing, module effectiveness testing, and the process of developing a tourism awareness module. The research uses a development approach with qualitative method. Tourism awareness data sources were obtained from souvenir merchants; tourism-awareness modules through Focus Group Discussion; validity test data and module practicality from education experts; city market service and testing module effectiveness from souvenir merchants. The research describes the low tourism-awareness of souvenir merchant, the making of tourism-awareness modules as guidelines for souvenir merchants to participate in advancing the tourism area, and the validity of contents of tourism-awareness development module and module practicality test with a good result. In addition, tourism-awareness modules have proven effective to improve tourist-awareness of souvenir merchants and tourist-awareness modules design based on the behavior that must own to be able to actively participate in developing Bukittinggi City as a tourist area.


Module Development, Tourism Awareness, Souvenir Merchants

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