The Development Of Election Smart House As A Tool Of Political Education Based On Local Wisdom

Al Rafni, Suryanef Suryanef


Election Smart house that established by the General Election Commission in every province is the innovative effort in providing the facility for political education in society. The problem is RPP has not been used optimally by users and still needs to be institutionalized as a tool of political education based on local wisdom. This paper aims to elaborate on the forms of political education activities, especially voter education contained in the RPP, even how the model for the development of RPP as a tool of political education based on local wisdom. The research approach uses a more intensive qualitative approach through focus group discussions/ FGDs and in-depth interviews. While to build the model, Research and Development (R & D) are used. The results of the study show that the political education services contained in the lesson plan need to be developed by standardizing services and supporting facilities that can be a model for political education facilities for the community based on local wisdom.


election smart house, political education, local wisdom

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