The Proposal Of West Java Export Coffee Distribution Model

Rakhmat Ceha, M. Dzikron, Chaznin R Muhamad, Muhammad Farash Syahmi, Shinthia Riyanto


Currently, West Java exports coffee through 3 companies, namely Sari Makmur Medan, Indokom Surabaya, and Deltamas Semarang. The long distribution chain causes low prices at farmers’ level. If the coffee is exported directly, it is estimated to increase the selling price of coffee beans at farm level. The purpose of this study is to design a coffee distribution model, so that West Java can export directly to several destination countries by fulfilling the requirements of international trade. In designing the West Java coffee distribution model, four stages were conducted, namely mapping business processes, cluster division, optimization models, and location theory analysis. As the result, this research has produced two alternative proposals for the West Java coffee export distribution model. To test the feasibility of the proposed distribution model, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) has been carried out with stakeholders of coffee cooperatives, Gapoktan (farmer’s association), coffee associations, and others.


Coffee; West Java; Distribution

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