Pengukuran Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia

Akhmad Fauzi, Alex Oxtavianus


Nearly the end of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) era, it emerges some ideas to refined international agreed development goals. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been one of the ideas. In this study, sustainable development is defined as the balance of economic, social and environmental development. The achievement of sustainable development is measured by using two different approaches, partial and composite indicators. Composite index calculation using seven phases starting from the theoretical framework to disseminate.Partial development indicator describes progress in economic and social dimensions. However, the progress in these areas a proximally puts some pressure on the environment. Sustainable Development Index (IPB), which is a composite of GDP, HDI and IKLH (Environmental Quality Index) also delivers the same message. By selecting a balance scenario as the chosen one among all development dimensions, it started that the sustainable development in Indonesia has just reached about two-thirds of the maximum target. The hight progress achieved in both economic and social development has finally to be corrected by degradation in environment.


Sustainable Development; Composite Index; Paradox of Development


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