Penentuan Lokasi Pasar Induk dan Pasar Satelit di Kabupaten Solok Selatan

Ansofino Ansofino


The focus of this research at Solok Selatan district are how detemine for appropriate market area especially centre and satelite market and how the precise of economic development in Solok Selatan area. The used kind of data are primer and secondery for collection by mean of field observation and interview. Strategic analysis carried out are used regional economic strategy with applied of analysis for the geographic acessibility and potential index, the calculate of centralities index, minimum transportation cost analysis, demand cone analysis, gravity law models, carrying capasity analysis for environment, finally, local spatial area analysis.
The result of this research point of the market, finded three market location more efficient are: market at Sangir central place especially Padang Aro market, it Sungai Pagu central place is Muaro Labuah market and finally the market at Sangir Jujuhan central place is Lubuak Malako market. This implication are Padang Aro can be prime market, both Muaro Labuah market and Lubuak Malako market as well as Abai market can be created satelite market of in the future affodable the support of Padang Aro as prime market.


Market Location Determination of Centre; Satellite Markets; Linkages Between Regions; South Solok and Economic Improvement


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