Civic Education Teachers’ Response to The Establishment of Pancasila Ideology Agency (BPIP)

Agus Anjar, Panggih Nur Adi, Marlina Siregar, Zunaidy Abdullah Siregar, Yusmaidar Sepriani


The rejection of potential leaders who are not from the same group can affect national-level political stability. To avoid that, the government formed BPIP or Agency of Pancasila Ideology Education with the task of protecting the ideology of Pancasila. This research aims to analyze the formation of BPIP with research subjects of 7 teachers who teach PPKn at 7 Madrasyah Aliyah (Islamic Senior High Schools) of Bagan Sinembah subdistrict. In order to answer the problem formulation, the researchers use a qualitative descriptive method with research instruments using interviews, observation, and questionnaires and then analyze it using the Liker scale to reach conclusions. The results of data analysis conclude that teachers who teach Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject support the formation of BPIP initiated by the government that continue to improve its performance to maintain the Pancasila ideology. Or otherwise, it can have a major impact on social disintegration.


Teacher’s View, Pancasila Ideology, BPIP

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