The Role of Built Environment in Collective Learning: The Case of Rumah Sahabat Salman

Agus S Ekomadyo, Andhika Riyadi, Salim Rusli, Rakhmat F. Aditra


The built environment relates to the important value of an environment as part of the learning process. Collective learning refers to the process of knowledge creation that continue through the association movement among human actors and technical object. By taking the case of Rumah Sahabat (RuSa) program, this paper maps and identifies the role of built environment in collective learning using Actor-Network Theory (ANT) approach. RuSa is a program of Salman ITB mosque to train students as cadres by facilitating them rent houses in the nearby settlement. Students, in turn, have to serve and deliver Islamic values to the local communities. The assembly of RuSa program is mapped into three moments: RuSa trainees teach Quran to the children in the local mosque; children bring home the homework and discuss them with their parents; RuSa trainees and local citizens developed the “Reading Terrace” in community main hall. The research result shows that the socio-technical approach can guide the development of built environment to improve and sustain the learning since it depends on human and non-human actors involved.


: built environment, collective learning, rumah sahabat salman

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