Socio-Economic And Divorce in Aceh Province

Afzal Afzal, Abd Jamal, Muhammad Nasir


Socio-economic factors are always the benchmark of domestic life. There is an assumption that a household disharmony is caused by economic issues referred to as the highest number of divorce cases registered at Mahkamah Shari’a (Shari’s Court) of Aceh. This research is very important since Aceh is a special region in terms of religion and culture so that the number of divorces would not be this much and it is hoped that the government will issue a regulation that can reduce the number of divorces. The research data are obtained from BPS (the Central Bureau of Statistics) of Aceh Province and the Sharia Court of Aceh which then analyzed using descriptive quantitative methods. The results indicate that recur of friction (in a household) is the major cause of divorce in Aceh followed by the economic factor and domestic violence. The level of individuals’ education shows a significant influence on divorce along with the age when they first married, but children variable affected insignificantly. However, not all research in the same field has the same results as this study.


divorce, sharia court, socio-economic

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