The Representation of Racism on ‘This Is America’ Music Video

Lucy Pujasari Supratman, Aep Wahyudin


‘This is America’ music video which released in May 2018 has been ranked at the best songs of 2018 and marked to be the most viral music video where gun shooting scenes and other controversial scenes are clearly portrayed. It has become a hot issue to be discussed in a number of mass media in America and has reached a million viewers on YouTube. Childish Gambino as the singer and songwriter put some metaphors sequences about criticism on races and the discrimination experienced by black American people. Roland Barthes semiotic approach is used to analyze visual scenes messages along with the myths. The video has portrayed strong scenes about Black people as a minority. There were 7 scenes that had been analyzed. All scenes represented racism, riots, hedonism, and social injustice to black people.


representation, racism, black american

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