Clean Water Supply Development Model in Sentul City

Asep Suheri, C Kusmana, MYJ Purwanto, Y Setiawan


This study aims to predict the current and future demand for clean water, and efforts to develop clean water supply from a social aspect in Sentul City (SC). To estimate the need for clean water, it is predicted from the total population from year to year. Forecasting population in this study uses arithmetic and geometric methods, while Stella software is used to facilitate the analysis. Starting in 2030, it is estimated that SC will experience water shortages. The Community Based Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation or PAMSIMAS program and installation of smart tanks are proposed to overcome the problem water shortage of rural residents in SC. Meanwhile, for urban residents, they can collect rainwater that falls on the roofs of houses and collect it in smart tanks. The implementation of PAMSIMAS program and the installation of smart tanks in SC has an important function as a supplier of backup raw water sources to overcome current and future shortages of clean water.


inhabitant number, geometric method, clean water need prediction

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