Corporate Social Responsibility Dilemma of Tiaka Oil and Gas Mining

Ilyas Lampe, Haslinda B. Anriani, Andi Mascunra Amir


The implementation of CSR programs of Tiaka refinery is based on financial, goods assistance, and several empowerment programs. However, the community’s response is negative. The community’s disappointment and dissatisfaction are accompanied by threats to the Tiaka refinery. This study uses a case study approach on Kolo Bawah, Baturube, and Tanasumpu to understand PT. Joint Operation Body (JOB) Pertamina Medco Tomori Sulawesi impacts on the loss of livelihood of the Bajo ethnic community in Kolo Bawah. The results show that the Bajo communities in Kolo Bawah are excluded from their living and cultural space because of the refinery. CSR activities and community empowerment are unable to reduce the economic and social burden of Bajo communities. CSR activities are not transparent, partial, and not accompanied by a needs assessment. CSR/CD activities remain as a source of mutual suspicion between regions, community and ethnic groups.


CSR, oil and gas mine, bajo ethnic

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