Disaster Resilient Village Based On Sociocultural Aspect in Ponorogo

Muhamad Fajar Pramono, Setiawan Bin Lahuri, Mohammad Ghozali


Real landslides management in Indonesia is formulated in the form of a resilient village (Destana/Desa Tangguh Bencana). In Ponorogo, there is one village as a role model of Destana that is Tugurejo village. The purpose of this study is to explore the beneficial advantages of implementing the Destana program in Tugurejo. The other 11 disaster-resilient villages in Ponorogo area will also be explored in other programs. The method used in this study is grounded research. The results of the study show that Tugurejo village has a good management institution and the spirit of mutual cooperation. Furthermore, the village head's leadership that firmly maintains the local wisdom as a form of collaboration of social and cultural aspects was forcing the village development, at least in the case of Tugurejo Village, and built the ability to perform synergy with stakeholders.


Disaster Resilient Village, Socio–Cultural, Tugurejo Village

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v36i1.5194


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