Correlation Between Numbers of Low-Income Households and Urban Slums Expansion in Cimahi

Anita Vitriana


Cimahi City is one of the fast-growing cities located in the peri urban area of the Bandung Metropolitan Area.  Like other cities, Cimahi City is faced with the problem of eradicating slums.   Based on the Final Report on the Plan for Prevention and Improvement of Urban Slum Quality 2017, the total of slum area in Cimahi City is 156.79 Ha and the sum of low-income were 5,097 households.  This study aims to examine the relationship between the increase of low-income communities and the wide-area of slums.  This study is qualitative research using secondary data obtained from the Final Report of RP2KP-KP 2017. To examine the relationship between the variables, we use a simple linear regression test with the SPSS Statistic software.  The equation formed by the linear regression test follows the formula of Y=0.082+0.031X.  The study shows that the increase of low-income communities influences the expansion of the slum area in Cimahi City.  This shows that slum management cannot be oriented solely to physical projects.  It needs socio economic intervention to empower low income communities to maintain their neighborhood sustainability.


Low-Income Communities, Slum Area, Socio-Economic Empowerment

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