Public Transport Policy Specifically for Women: Creating Gender-Responsive Transport Services

Mubarok Mubarok, Nanang Suparman


Public transport policy in terms of the distinction of transportation needs of women and men have significant differences. This research aims to provide description and confirmation concerning women’s travel patterns who are mostly us1ers of public transport vulnerable to violent acts and sexual harassment, threats of crime, and other criminal acts. The method used in this research is an academic literature survey relevant to public transport policy. Data is obtained from government documents and mass media, while primary data from observation. Data are analyzed based on the theory and concept of public policy on women’s transportation and being interpreted. The research result shows that public transport without gender-responsive has been limited the access and public participation for marginalized groups, meanwhile, some operating women-only transport modes have a positive impact in reducing the attack of sexual harassment, fumbling and criminals act, but it still needs the infrastructure fulfillment and easier accessibility.


public transport, gender equality, responsive policy

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