Multi Stakeholder Involvement in Tsunami Disaster Recovery Phases in South Lampung

Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung, Eko Budi Sulistio, Nana Mulyana


Disaster management always requires the role of many groups, but it requires the regulation of those roles the most. This study aims to analyze multi-stakeholder roles and challenges that arise in handling tsunami disasters in South Lampung. This research uses descriptive qualitative method where data is collected purposively from the local government, leaders of the community, and private organizations through interviews, observation and documentation. This study identify collaboration of the three parties that bring a positive impact on refugees and the role of the district government and provincial government at the forefront, while the private sector and community institutions begin to diminish their role. The challenges arise in disaster management are related to post-rehabilitation activities and anticipation of potential disasters that can still occur in the region in the future.


multi-stakeholder, disaster management, sunda strait tsunami

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