Fake News From The Islamic Perspective

Siti Suriani Othman, Fauziah Hassan, Safiyyah Ahmad Sabri, Liana Mat Nayan


This paper discusses about fake news from the Islamic perspective. Derived from previous scholarly discussions and Islamic manuscripts on fake news, this paper attempts to provide what Islam has to say about fake news. The discussion starts with scholarly literature about fake news to understand the concept of fake news, followed by the issue of fake news in news sourcing. More emphasis is given to online news due to the fact that fake news emerges abundantly and easily on online platforms than before. Besides that, the role of technology in reducing or/and increasing the threat of fake news in modern communication is also discussed. The final part of the paper discusses specifically on fake news from the Islamic perspective.


Fake news, Islamic perspective, online journalism, best practice in journalism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v36i1.5467


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