Profit Sharing Risk: Accountability Values in Local Cattle Sharing System

Prasetyono Prasetyono, Yuliana Rakhmawati, Ach Fawaid As’ad, Erfan Muhammad


Beef cattle's sharing is an Indonesian traditional economic system that is formed naturally based on local wisdom values. Even though it is done traditionally, the principles of good cooperation have been practiced. Based on that, this research aims to describe the economic perspective, particularly the accountability values embedded in Indonesia's local cattle sharing system. This research employs a case study to obtain the accountability values in two local, regional cattle sharing locations in Java and Madura. Informants of this research are local cattle farmers, investors, and middlemen. Data analysis uses a single case-multilevel analysis method. The study results show that Javanese's accountability values apply in "mantep-mantepan lan percoyo" wisdom or mutualism trust. Meanwhile, the Madurese perform accountability values in "oreng jujur bakal pojur" or honest man will get his luck. The value of local wisdom affinity is also carried out in profit sharing management. The Javanese and Madurese considerate accountability in cattle sharing system based on mutual support within parties involved and brotherhood establishment. The added value of the local wisdom tends to reduce the profits sharing risk obtained by the parties.


accountability, cattle sharing, profits sharing risk

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