Managing Biodiversity in Dealing with Sustainable Development Goals

Eko Priyo Purnomo, Etika Khairina, Mochammad Iqbal Fadhlurrohman, Bhimo Widyo Andoko, Agus Priyanto


This paper aims to examine descriptively the management of biodiversity carried out by the Bantul Regency Government as part of sustainable development. Strengths such as conservation of biodiversity and protection of ecosystems by the Government must go hand in hand with sustainable development. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, using data analysis obtained by researchers from research results, journals, and the official website of the Bantul Regency Government. The results show that the strategy in managing biodiversity in Bantul Regency is the maintenance of biodiversity using an integrated approach and a long-term perspective. This is evidenced by management that integrates the conservation value of biodiversity ecosystems. The issuance of several Regional Regulations on Biodiversity Management is concrete evidence, ensuring that no extinction or damage occurs in biodiversity in Bantul Regency. Management activities will be a strong foundation for realizing sustainable development through various conservation approaches such as In-Situ and Ex-situ conservation to implement biodiversity management programs in Bantul Regency. Other strategies/methods are creating areas/zones at several points of improvement in the area and their habitat while in the ecosystem.


Management, Biodiversity, Sustainable Development Goal’s

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