The Contribution of “Rumah Susun” Retribution Toward Regional Original Income

Fadjar Tri Sakti, Engkus Engkus, Astri Afrilia


Retribution for Rumah Susun (flats) is one of the local revenue potentials for Regional Original Income in Bandung Regency. The problem in this study is that the contribution of Rumah Susun retribution to local revenue from 2013 to 2017 has not reached the target. This study aims to determine and describe the amount of contribution of Rumah Susun retribution to local revenue.  The method used in this research is a quantitative approach with an associative type. The population in this study is data on the attainment of the target of Rumah Susun retribution and the realization of local revenue in Bandung Regency from 2013 to 2017. Meanwhile, the sampling of Rumah Susun retribution uses purposive sampling technique. The results partially reveal that the levy variable has a significant effect on local revenue and has a strong correlation between the two.


Revenue from Flats, Levies, Local Revenues

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