A Systematic Literature Review of the Research on Traditional Medicine Policy

Wayu Eko Yudiatmaja, Imam Yudhi Prastya, Selvi Diana Meilinda, Tri Samnuzulsari


The primary objective of this study is to explore the past and recent research in traditional medicine policy published by scholarly journals. From a series of reputable databases, including BMC, Cambridge, Elsevier, JSTOR, Sage, Science Direct, Springer, Taylor and Francis, and Wiley, one hundred fifty articles were collected for further analysis. Using a systematic literature review, evidence from this work shows that the predominance of traditional medicine policy research is developed from theory and empirical studies, using random sampling and qualitative analysis. There are a wide variety of subject matters studied, but the research commonly focuses on Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The future research directions in this area are discussed to address various theoretical, methodological, and empirical gaps from the prior research. This study positively contributes to our understanding of the development and trends of traditional medicine policy.


literature review, systematic literature review, traditional medicine policy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v37i1.6264


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