Inter-Island Mobility and Social Change in Tidore Kepulauan City, North Maluku
This research uses a qualitative approach to explore inter-Island mobility and social change in Tidore Island, North Maluku. Data obtained from observations and interviews show that social change in Tidore occurred due to the dynamic factors of cross-island population mobility in recent years. Data were divided into groups of those who are working semi-permanently and those who are commuting to work (commuters). The main factors triggering inter-island population interactions in Tidore City are the need for labor supply, basic commodities in the food and logistic sector, as well as support services from several groups. Conversely, this town is the center of government services with labor suppliers in the formal sector (government) and service economy. It also depends on certain commodities that can only be supplied from the surrounding Island (Halmahera). The research analysis shows that infrastructure (transportation) availability contributes to the intention of local government and the community to create new economic centers in the form of regional commodity markets and additional ports to support population mobility as active mediators for the sustainability of socio-economic development in this region.
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