Factors Influencing Online Impulsive Buying Behavior in Indonesia
Technology-based era has brought market into higher level competition in which online shopping set the new standard for customer and marketer transaction. Prior study held in developed countries has resulted variety of customers online shopping motives, meanwhile in Indonesia where online transaction just started to significantly increase, the driven factors of online impulsive buying behavior still need to be explored thusly. The construct of this study reflects to customer’s hedonic browsing behavior and utilitarian browsing behavior that motivates them to make an online impulsive buying decision. This study has constructed the models based on prior study related to online impulsive buying in several countries and proposed promotion, positive emotion, and psychological distance as variable predictors. This study validated the framework using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Finding indicates that psychological distance (PSYD) is directly affecting online impulsive buying behavior (IMPB), yet promotion (PMTN) and positive emotion (PSTE) are indirectly affecting online impulsive buying behavior (IMPB). Result implicates that Indonesian customers are dominated by impulsive yet efficient-first type of customers.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v37i1.6926
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