E-Readiness and The Effectiveness of E-Participation in Indonesia
E-participation is a strategic factor in the era of digital governance and open government. The aim of this study is to describe e-readiness and the effectiveness of e-participation in Indonesia. This study focuses on social and economic aspects, specifically on groups of formal workers who are accustomed to using ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The method used is qualitative with informants from fifty-six districts/cities in Indonesia. Qualitative data analysis steps are carried out to obtain findings. The results of the study show that e-participation has not been effective in two-way forms and community involvement. The e-readiness of this community group is constrained by income, network infrastructure, and motivation in e-participation. This study finds that the development of e-participation stages is in line with the development of e-government and digital government stages, as well as rules in conventional participation. Fulfilling basic needs can be a motivation for e-participation and increase the perception of openness
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v37i1.6931
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