Design of Bag Product’s Marketing Strategy by Implementing QFD Method and SWOT Analysis

nugraha nugraha, Dina Dien Novita, Djamlaludin Djamlaludin, Arba’iyah Satriani


Production of children's backpacks has experienced a decline in sales over the past three years. This is experienced by CV Semesta Agung (SA), a textile company that produces t-shirts, jeans, and children's backpacks. The decline of children's backpacks sales occurred because of the large number of competitors and it needs a solution to overcome it. This research aims to design the marketing strategy by implementing QFD method and SWOT analysis. The method used is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) stage one, which is a matrix creation of House of Quality (HOQ) and SWOT. Based on the findings of the research, there are several product attributes that should be considered in a production of children’s backpack, such as attractive design/motif, the quality of materials and stitches, affordable price, and product durability. In addition, based on this research, it can be concluded that several marketing strategies can be implemented by companies, which is gained from SWOT method. The first one is WO strategy that can be done by expanding a marketing area in Bandung city, improving packaging design, providing product warranty, giving discount, and manufacturing waterproof children’s backpack. The second one is ST strategy by improving quality of product and worker skills, as well as reducing production cost. The third one is WT strategy by designing more attractive bag products and creating a new product.


marketing strategy, QFD, SWOT.

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